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Raffy Alunan Shares His Next Steps - Working On A Startup With His Son

One of the most eloquent voices in social media speaking about his views on varied topics pertaining to governance has been the former DILG chief, Raffy Alunan.  Following his bid for a seat in the Senate, Mr. Alunan shared his thoughts of gratitude and provided us with a glimpse of his next steps on his Facebook account :  Since yesterday, I've been receiving an avalanche of comments from Facebook friends and followers expressing their vote, moral support and best wishes. I am truly overwhelmed by this outpouring of solidarity and cannot thank them enough for it. I'm simply at a loss for words and the time to reply to each one.

I wish President Rodrigo Duterte all the best as he embarks on his 6yr. journey to place the government and society back on track. As a citizen, he has my full support in combating crime and corruption in and out of government, especially the primary threats to our safety and security like the drug menace.


And I thank Senator Alan Peter Cayetano for his exemplary conduct as vice-presidential candidate, and as back-up to President Duterte, that was worthy of his position and as the son of another senator who I admired. His inclusivity and teammanship was truly appreciated.

Congratulations are in order for all the support groups of Team Duterte who worked together to bring home the bacon. Simply outstanding!

On that note, I shall resume my work on a project with my son in Bacolod. It's a start-up that hopefully should bear fruit very soon. I lost some time for the campaign and I shall now double time to bring it to the finish line. Wish us luck!

Negros Island.  The SWEET Spot of the Philippines.

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